Anton McClure

This is the home page of Anton McClure's contract work. If you are looking for another person named "Anton McClure", you'll have to search for that person elsewhere. If you were looking for either my personal domain name or personal web site, please see

As long as you're here, let's work together!

What Do I Do?

I am offering contracted webmaster and system administration duties. I have experience with several programming languages such as Perl and C/C++, as well as experience hosting Microsoft Windows and POSIX/*nix servers for a variety of use cases. I've been working on personal projects in many of these ways since 2014.

If you are interested in what I have to offer, please contact If you want to see a sample of my work, here are some of the free software projects that I have either made and/or worked on, along with brief descriptions and download links.

Services I'm Offering

Too many people will install the free version of a Google Analytics plugin on a WordPress install and call it a day. Here are some services that real people and companies can actually benefit from.

Web site Development and Design. No corner cutting, no unnecessary bloat, and no unnecessary nonsense. You can expect custom-coded solutions to your problems, that is, unless you absolutely prefer frameworks such as bootstrap and jquery. It's your site, so it's your call. Backend code is available in Perl and PHP, along with with an optional MySQL/MariaDB install for database support.

Software Development. Custom-coded software and scripts, and still with no corner cutting, unnecesary bloat or nonsense. Software is not GUI-based unless necessary. Programming languages that the program will be written in may be C, Perl, or VB.Net.

Why Is There Not Much on This Site?

While I am currently seeking outside business, this web page exists primarily to provide basic information for those looking for services. I've also taken some chapters out of Interrupt Technology Corporation's playbook, so this web page also exists for those who expect every domain to have a Web presence.
Anton McClure /
Last modified: Sun Jun 2 00:45:21 EDT 2024